Historical Background

THE Bangladesh Protibondhi Foundation (BPF) has been committed to reaching services to disadvantaged children in unreached populations or those who have poor access to available services, since its establishment in 1984. Towards this aim it has been simplifying technology for early identification and early intervention of children with a range of neurodevelopmental impairments (NDIs) and neurodevelopmental disabilities (NDDs), which can be used by lesser trained professionals, para-professionals and frontline community workers at low-cost. All these scales, tools and procedures have had one major factor in common, ie, their quality has been comparable to international standards worldwide. This has only been possible through investment in quality research in collaboration with some of the best institutes of the world.

Development of a Screening Tool: the Ten Questions. Through the facilitation of the World Health Organization (WHO), and in collaboration with Professors Zena Stein and Mervyn Susser at the Sergievsky Center for Research in the Epidemiology of Brain Disorders, Columbia University, School of Public Health, New York, USA, the BPF was able to be part of an international team who developed the ‘Ten Questions (TQ)’ which allows frontline community workers to conduct home-based screening for identifying children at-risk for NDIs and NDDs. It is presently the most used screening tool worldwide, according to UNICEF (2008) estimates.

The TQ, however, was not developed for use on its own, as it can only identify the child at-risk. A second stage of comprehensive assessment is needed to identify specific functional limitations. Since the first publication on the TQ by BPF in 1990, and for the next two decades, this has not been possible in any developing country as it requires a multi-professional team (MPT) of child physicians, child psychologists and therapists, who are scarcely available in most countries.

Comprehensive ascertainment of functional limitations: the RNDA. The Rapid Neurodevelopmental Assessment (RNDA) is a set of unique tools which have been developed over several years by a team of committed researchers, including child health physicians, developmental pediatricians, child neurologists, neuro-epidemiologists, child psychologists, special education teachers, and developmental therapists whose aim was to simplify the multi professional team (MPT) assessment, so that single professionals (such as primary school teachers, therapists, doctors, or community workers with graduate degrees, etc) are able to conduct the assessment. The tools have been validated against psychometric tests and tests of adaptive behavior which were either developed or adapted for Bangladesh.

Developmental Domains Assessed

Qualification of Assessors

  • A professional or para-professional who is familiar with children and families in her/his work place.
  • With a college degree. Note: A high school graduate may apply the tool under supervision.

total number of forms by age group, domain assessed and outcomes

Form Number Age Group Domains Assessed Outcomes (Grading by Risk/Impairment)


0-<1 Month

Primitive Reflex, Gross motor, Fine motor, Vision, Hearing, Speech, Cognition, Behavior, Seizure
  • Low risk (Normal)
  • Moderate Risk
  • High risk


1 – 60 Months

Gross motor, Fine motor, Vision, Hearing, Speech, Cognition, Behavior, Seizure
  • Normal
  • Mild impairment
  • Moderate impairment
  • Severe impairment

14 And 15

>5 – 16 Years

Gross Motor, Fine Motor, Vision, Hearing, Expressive Language, Cognition, Behavior, Self Care, Seizure

For Gross Motor, Fine Motor, Expressive Language, Cognition and Self Care:

  • Able
  • Not able

For Vision and Hearing:

  • Normal
  • Abnormal

For Behavior and Seizures:

  • No
  • Yes

Training conducted directly within Bangladesh protibondhi foundation (bpf)

An training schedule is made for direct training workshops. 6 days training workshop is usually prepared for 1-4 participants for assessment of 12 children among age group (0-16) years. Days depend on number of participants and age of children needed for assessment. Each participant should assess at least three children of different ages. The  training runs from  9 am to 4 pm. Each day four children of different ages are assessed by the participants. On the 1st and 2nd day basic underlying concepts and procedures of the tool are discussed. These include history-taking, calculation of age (chronological and corrected), ascertainment of nutritional status,  ie, wasting and stunting (optional), components of the tool (forms, scoring, summary sheets), equipment. Few sample videos are also shown. Hands-on assessment of children usually starts from the 3rd day. For evaluation by the trainers, each trainee is asked to assess one child. Rapport building with the child and family; and procedures of assessment are observed and evaluated by the trainer. On the last day certificates are given to each successful participant.

Video Based Training ​

The demand for application of the RNDA has risen over the years. This has led the establishers of the tool to think about alternative means of reaching the potential users across their own country and internationally. Towards this purpose a set of videos have been developed. These videos clearly demonstrate the techniques applied for assessment of each item of the RNDA by age groups. A study on the fidelity of the tool when applied by those trained via video demonstrations has been conducted. This demonstrates a high degree of fidelity (paper to be published soon).

Post training Supervision and Certification

Certification for trainees is provided by BPF, both for those obtaining direct training, as well as those trained via videos. Those trained within BPF are assessed during the training period. Those who are found to be correctly applying the tool are given a certificate at the end of the training. Those who train via videos are requested to send video copies of full assessments. The RNDA experts rate these videos, provide written feedbacks via emails, and provide a certificate when these videos are rated to have been applied correctly. For each individual a set of four assessments (those who are obtaining direct training) or four videos (those who are training through videos) is required for certification. Each of the four children assessed belong to the four age groups which the RNDA is divided into. 


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Registration for RNDA Training

Online video-based training without kit

  • Registration
  • Manual (pdf)
  • Training video
  • Feedback

online video based training with kit With Mailing Cost

  • Registration
  • Manual (pdf)
  • Training video
  • Kit for RNDA Assessment
  • Mailing Cost (International)
  • Feedback

online video based training with kit (Self Pick-Up)

  • Registration
  • Manual (pdf)
  • Training video
  • Kit for RNDA Assessment
  • Feedback

Registration For RNDA Kit Only

Only RNDA Kit (Self Pick-up)

  • Kit ofr RNDA Assessment

Only RNDA Kit (International)

  • Kit for RNDA Assessment
  • Mailing Cost (International)